DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society

DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society (DIVERSEcity) is a registered non-profit agency offering a wide range of services and programs to the culturally diverse communities of the lower mainland. Our mission is “to inspire belonging in a strong integrated community by empowering newcomers to Canada.”​
I have created a number of projects for their programs and the organization as a whole including brochures, flyers, rack cards, and annual reports.

For more information on the organization’s current programs, you can visit their website here.

For privacy purposes, some of the contact information and photographs have been changed or edited to fictitious information. If you are interested to learn more about their programs and wish to contact someone, please visit their website.


Print, 8.5inx11in
DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society

To celebrate DIVERSEcity’s 40th anniversary, this year’s annual report was dedicated to the hard work and the many years of service. Using the organization’s four brand colours to create hierarchy and consistency throughout the project, this publication served as a commemorative annual report, a look back at the history of the organization and a review of its most recent successes. Photographs were collected from earlier years of service and from current client and staff events. Testimonials were also collected for the purpose of this annual report.


Print double-sided on PVC cards, 2.13″ x 3.38″
DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society

*Names and photos of employees were changed on this project

These ID cards were created for the team to show during visits and networking events. Their contact information and program logo is shown on the back. A branded white DIVERSEcity lanyard was also given to the team with their IDs. 


Print/Electronic, 11×8.5in
DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society

*Names and photos of employees were changed on this project

The purpose of this directory was to create a communication piece that could facilitate communication between the team with community partners and other agencies. Many times, the team is not able to personally meet with everyone they refer clients to, and vice versa. By providing this resource for reference, it can make contacting the right person easier and faster and potentially increase the number of referrals the team receives.